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Blissful Marriage

Spiritual laws for harmony in marriage

Marriage is a joyous and a wonderful institution to get into provided one knows the art of right contact with the spouse. Many get into it with great excitement. But eventually they end up like two sides of the coin – they stay together but cannot face each other. Can this oldest of human relations be made more blissful, gratifying thus both the partners can grow together mentally, spiritually and financially?

In his workshop to married couples Angajan shows what is going wrong with troubled marriages and insightful and practical solutions to recharge the marriage.

Key Topics:

  • You cannot change the fruit without changing the root.
  • Problem is with the belief that the problem is with the spouse.
  • Marriage is a relationship of 7 in 1
  • To find the right partner be one.
  • The laws of being the right partner.
  • Seven laws of emoting
  • Self Mastery for harmony
  • Use and abuse of ego
  • Mastery over ego
  • Dynamics of love in marriage
  • Love Vs Trust and Respect
  • Mental Attitudes for marital harmony
  • Practical aids for marital harmony
  • Enemies of Marital relation
  • Communication
  • Listening to your partner

Duration: 8 Hours.